July 27, 2009

Blood Pressure Looking Good

a a macro of red stethoscope

The exercise and walking may not be doing too much for my waistline, but it is certainly proving to be a great thing for the blood pressure.

Last year's visit to the doctor had it reading 157/86, which had the doctor a bit concerned.

I really don't like the idea of having to take any medication, so it was up to me to do something about it before it got to that point.

Today it read 132/79, which was stated as being perfect.

It is good to know that the walking is paying off even if it is not in the areas I want it to be.


  1. that's real good Kathy! Keep up the good work.:-)

  2. I'm so glad that walking is paying off for you health wise also. I know the weight loss will happen for both of us if we keep it up, get over the hump so to speak.

  3. good for you! keep walking and exercise

  4. I've noticed that walking lowers my bp very effectively, but that I need much more intense cardio to burn fat

  5. I have been doing power walks and I cant say I have seen much difference either. But my energy has be so much more. So for that reason I will keep with it.
